Since its inception in the early 1980’s, the SAUDI TECHNICAL LIMITED (STL) name has been synonymous with quality, performance and experience. Building on this traditional legacy, STL has naturally evolved as a prominent player in engineering construction, industry and technical services, establishing a strong presence both in kingdom and in overseas markets.
Our Group operating units, focus on serving strategic market sectors and endeavor to uphold our universal mission: “To be the leading, most efficient, technically superior, resilient and profitable private company in its respective domains by providing our clients with creative and cost effective technical solutions.
We take pride in performing our work professionally, with integrity, passion and dedication to our clients, achieving positive results through effective and cohesive teamwork fostering trust and respect for individuals, supporting the diversity of our people while providing a stable, harmonious, productive and safe working environment.
Our values have truly shaped the company’s successful progression and will certainly continue to define what we aspire to achieve in the future. With a solid financial and technical base, STL continues to build winning relationships with a wide spectrum of prestigious partners across diverse business sectors and is well equipped to confidently approach challenging market opportunities on a global scale.
Together for a bright and prosperous tomorrow,
Sincerely Yours,
Majeed Abou Ayyash